About Me

About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Suzie and after working as an accountant for 10 years, I decided to give up the rat race and switch careers. My husband, who was serving as a Psychologist in the Air Force did the same. Now we both teach high school in San Antonio, Texas. I teach Geometry and my husband teaches Physics. During the summer we take our kids on all kinds of fun vactions. This year we purchased our first pop-up trailer and couldn't be more thrilled. It's a 2003 Colman Utah and we pull it with our 2011 Ford F150 Eco Boost. This blog is devoted to my pop-up adventures. Please enjoy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Demolition II

I removed the access door. The hinges were some kind of rivet thing. I had to break them (the rivets) because two of the access screws were behind the hinges. I figured I could replace the hinges with bolts if needed.

The screws holding on the ABS side panels were partially covered by the door gasket.

I removed the locks. They were attached with super sticky foam tape and screws.

I removed the screws holding the lid deck down.

There are screws under the front edge of the trailer holding the front panel on from the underneath. They had washers because the weight of the panel would have pushed through the tiny screw head otherwise. You can also see that there are little screws holding the floor of the trunk to the metal trailer frame.

Removing the lid was difficult. It kept collapsing on me. It's also held on with star head screws that are waterproofed with some super sticky super evil putty/caulk stuff. It was everywhere and very very sticky.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem as you, your blog gives the best detail that I have seen so far, may bug you some with some questions ;) The lid deck seems to have the sticky tape on the inside. I attempted once to remove it but was afraid of breaking it. Not sure I really care now, I may end up rebuilding the entire thing anyway. You mentioned you used a screwdriver on the front area, but it tore it up some. What did you end up using removing the front area and the lid deck to pry it away from the structure and sticky tape?
